Bensonhurst LCP


August 21st, 2024

Today, our Bensonhurst LCP team was out on 86th Street, maintaining order during a protest. For the past weeks, our LCP members have been hard at work not only ensuring safety but also assisting with voter registration on 86th Street. Thank you to everyone for your continued support in keeping our community strong and safe! 

今天,我們的 宾臣墟 LCP 團隊出現在 86 街,在抗議期間維持秩序。 💪🏻 在過去的幾周里,我們的 LCP 成員一直在努力工作,不僅確保安全,還協助 86 街的選民登記。感謝大家對我們保持社區強大和安全的持續支持! 

August 13th, 2024

The Bensonhurst LCP team attended the NYPD 62nd Precinct‘s National Night Out event! We set up a booth to assist with voter registration and handed out fresh fruits to the community. A big thank you to everyone who came out and supported our efforts to strengthen and protect our neighborhood. Together, we make our community stronger! 

宾臣墟LCP 团队参加了第 62 分局的打击犯罪夜活动!我们设立了一个摊位来协助选民登记,并向社区分发了新鲜水果。非常感谢每一位前来支持我们加强和保护社区的努力的人。我们一起让我们的社区更加强大! 

July 27th, 2024

This week, LCP has been tirelessly working at 86th Street to assist with voter registration everyday. Some of our dedicated members were maintaining order and directing traffic to ensure the safety and smooth flow of the protest. Thanks to everyone‘s support for community safety, we continue to make a positive impact. 

本周,LCP 一直不知疲倦地在 86 街工作,每天协助选民登记。我们的一些敬业成员维持秩序并指挥交通,以确保抗议活动的安全和畅通。感谢大家对社区安全的支持,我们继续发挥积极影响。 

July 22nd, 2024

Today, LCP members went beyond patrolling for safety. We set up a booth to assist community members with voter registration. We’re thrilled to announce that we successfully helped over 30 people register to vote! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and exercised their right to participate. Together, we‘re making a difference in our community. 

今天,LCP 成员不仅巡逻安全,还设立了一个展位,帮助社区成员进行选民登记。我们很高兴地宣布,我们成功帮助 30 多人登记投票!感谢每一位前来并行使参与权利的人。我们共同为社区做出了贡献。 

July 19th, 2024

Friday, LCP was on duty at Bensonhurst 86th St. to ensure safety and maintain order during a protest. Our dedicated team worked tirelessly to support the community and ensure a safe environment for all. We thank everyone for their cooperation and commend the community spirit of all involved. Together, we continue to strive for a safe neighborhood. 

周五,LCP 在宾臣墟 86 街执勤,确保抗议期间的安全并维持秩序。我们敬业的团队不知疲倦地工作,为社区提供支持,确保所有人都能享受安全的环境。我们感谢大家的合作,并赞扬所有参与者的社区精神。我们将继续共同努力,打造一个安全的社区。 

July 18th, 2024

On Thursday, our dedicated LCP members were out in Bensonhurst on 86th St, ensuring order during a protest and patrolling the area. Everyone‘s safety matters, and we are proud to serve our community. Thank you to all who participated and supported us! 

周四,我们敬业的 LCP 成员来到 86 街的本森赫斯特,在抗议期间确保秩序并在该地区巡逻。每个人的安全都很重要,我们很自豪能为社区服务。感谢所有参与和支持我们的人! 

July 15th, 2024

Today on 86th St., our dedicated Local Community Patrol members were out in full force, ensuring safety and security for everyone in our neighborhood! We‘re committed to keeping our streets safe and our community strong. 

今天,在 86 街,我们敬业的当地社区巡逻队成员全力出动,确保社区每个人的安全!我们致力于维护街道安全和社区繁荣。 

July 11th, 2024

🚔 Keeping our streets safe! Today, our Local Community Patrol is on 86th St. during off-work rush hour, serving as the eyes and ears of our police force. Community Safety is our priority. 

🚔 保护我们的街道安全!今天,我们的社区巡逻队在86街上值勤,监督非工作高峰期,成为警方的眼睛和耳朵。社区安全是我们的首要任务。 

July 8th, 2024

Today, Bensonhurst LCP members helped maintain order during a protest on 86th Street. For public safety, we work together. Thank you to LCP advisor Steve Chan for your support and guidance, and to everyone who came out to stand up for our community. 

今天,宾臣墟的 LCP 成员在 86 街的抗议活动中帮助维持秩序。为了公共安全,我们共同努力。感谢 LCP 顾问 Steve Chan 的支持和指导,也感谢所有挺身而出为我们的社区挺身而出的人。 

July 1st, 2024

The LCP team was actively involved in ensuring safety during a protest against the homeless shelter in Bensonhurst on 86th Street. Our dedicated LCP members were on the ground, working diligently to maintain order and support the community during this important event.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to keeping our neighborhood safe and peaceful. Your commitment to public safety and community well-being is truly commendable. Together, we continue to make Bensonhurst a safer place for all.

LCP 巡逻队积极参与了 宾臣墟86 街反对游民所抗议活动,确保安全。我们的 LCP 成员在现场,勤奋工作,在这次重要活动期间维持秩序并为社区提供支持。 感谢所有为维护我们社区安全与和平做出贡献的人。我们将继续共同努力,让 宾臣墟成为更安全的地方。 

June 11th, 2024

Bensonhurst LCP Expansion Community Partnership Meeting

LCP marked a significant milestone by expanding its patrol to Bensonhurst! Key community stakeholders, officers from the NYPD 61st Precinct and NYPD NYPD 62nd Precinct including Deputy Inspector Eddie Lau and Captain Emanuel Iskhakov, elected officials Assemblyman William Colton and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis officer member, LCP leader Kent Woo and LCP Advisor Steve Chan, and local residents gathered to discuss this expansion. The 61st Precinct shared valuable insights from their collaboration with LCP, highlighting our quick response times and effective communication. The 62nd Precinct expressed optimism about our new partnership.

LCP Leader thanked everyone for their support and emphasized the importance of community involvement. We‘re excited to start recruiting volunteers in Bensonhurst to enhance local patrols. Join us in making our community safer!

📢 Bensonhurst LCP巡逻队启动会议

LCP 將巡邏範圍擴大到宾臣墟,這是一個重要的里程碑!主要社區利益相關者、紐約警察局第61 分局和紐約警察局第62 分局的警官,包括62分局局长Eddie Lau 和61分局副局长Emanuel Iskhakov、州众議員William Colton 和女議員Nicole Malliotakis办公室代表、LCP 队长Kent Woo 和LCP顧問Steve Chan,以及當地居民聚集在一起討論這項擴展。第 61 分局分享了與 LCP 合作的寶貴見解,強調了我們快速的回應時間和有效的溝通。第 62 分局對我們的新夥伴關係表示樂觀。 LCP Leader 感謝大家的支持,並強調社區參與的重要性。我們很高興開始在宾臣墟招募义工以加強當地巡邏。加入我們,讓我們的社区更安全! 🚶‍♂️👮‍♀️ 

March 16th, 2024

🌟 LCP Maintains Order at Community Protest 🌟

3/16/2024, a massive rally took place in Bensonhurst, as thousands of residents and a convoy of vehicles assembled to voice their opposition to plans for a homeless shelter at 2501 86th Street. Amidst the bustling crowd and spirited chants, LCP stood vigilant, ensuring peace and order throughout the event.

As tensions ran high, LCP members worked tirelessly alongside local law enforcement and other organizations to maintain order and ensure the safety of all attendees. Their presence helped to facilitate a peaceful protest and prevent any potential incidents from escalating.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated members of LCP for their unwavering commitment to community safety. Together, we stand united in our efforts to protect and serve our neighborhood.

🌟LCP 在社區抗議中維持秩序🌟 

2024 年3 月16 日,宾臣墟舉行了万人大游行,數万名居民和車隊聚集在一起,表達他們反對在86 街2501 號建立無家可歸者收容所的計劃。 在熙熙攘攘的人群和激昂的口號中,LCP保持警惕,確保整個活動的和平與秩序。 隨著緊張局勢加劇,LCP 成員與當地執法部門和其他組織不知疲倦地合作,維持秩序並確保所有與會者的安全。 他們的存在有助於促進和平抗議並防止任何潛在事件升級。 我們衷心感謝 LCP 的奉獻成員對社區安全的堅定承諾。 我們團結一致,努力保護和服務我們的社區。